Geographers, what are your articles worth? The commercial databases in question

This article is the English translation of “Géographes, que valent vos articles ? Les bases de données commerciales en question”. La Lettre de l’InSHS, INstitut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales – CNRS[1], Issue 55, septembre 2018[2].


The question of validity and use of bibliometrics databases to characterize the productions of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) researchers are constantly revived in France, not only by the Haut Comité à l’Evaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (HCERES), which is currently establishing its evaluation criteria Conversation suggested by : Michèle Dassa CNRS-InSHS and Christine Kosmopoulos CNRS-UMR Géographie-cités, but also by the Observatoire des Sciences et Techniques (OST)[3], which organized a seminar in May 2018 bringing together specialists from different non-English-speaking countries. Based on the objective publication data produced by RIBAC[4] and the JournalBase comparative database, it seems useful to us to make a new contribution to this reflection here. Continuer la lecture de Geographers, what are your articles worth? The commercial databases in question