Waldo Tobler (1930-2018)

From 1956, when he first published, to his passing on 20 February 2018, the teaching and publications of this Professor Emeritus had a major impact on several generations of geographers and cartographers. His work lives on since he is currently being rediscovered by some researchers and we can only wish for it to continue for a long time as Waldo Tobler has profoundly renewed and transformed cartography. He truly contributed to making cartography Conversation suggested by :
Colette Cauvin-Reymond

a full-blown scientific discipline, a status that was acknowledged at the Vienna conference in 1975. Continuer la lecture de Waldo Tobler (1930-2018)

Waldo Tobler (1930-2018)

De 1956, date de sa première publication, au 20 février 2018 où Waldo Tobler nous a quittés, ce professeur émérite a marqué par ses écrits et ses enseignements plusieurs générations de géographes et de cartographes, et ceci par vagues successives, puisqu’il semble que certains chercheurs le redécouvrent actuellement. Ceci devrait continuer longtemps – et nous ne pouvons que le souhaiter – car ce chercheur a complètement renouvelé, Conversation proposée par :
Colette Cauvin-Reymond
Also available as an English conversation here

transformé la cartographie et a réellement contribué à ce que cette discipline ait une place à part entière en tant que science ainsi que ce statut lui a été reconnu au colloque de Vienne en 1975. Continuer la lecture de Waldo Tobler (1930-2018)

About fractal models in urban geography and planning: refuting the aesthetics and the universal norm

Fractal models have been used in urban geography for forty years. Their main applications were for analyzing urban forms but they were also used to simulate urban growth. Research in the field has significantly contributed to better characterise the local and global shape of cities and to better understand their evolutions. Yet concomitantly, one can deplore the circulation of some myths about the interpretation of fractal analysis results and
Cécile Tannier
Also available as an English conversation hereabout the possible Conversation proposée par :
Cécile Tannier

usage of fractal models for urban analysis and planning. I propose here to undermine some of these myths on the basis on some scientific publications in the field.
Continuer la lecture de About fractal models in urban geography and planning: refuting the aesthetics and the universal norm